Thursday, March 15, 2007


The "...president of Guatemala is upset by illegal alien deportation from U.S." ' where 10% of the Guatemalan population has moved north of the Rio Grande'" (wetbacks moved into U.S.), Washington POST, 3/13/07.

The population of Guatemala is 12.5 million people which makes their illegal aliens in the U.S. equal one million two hundred and fifty thousand illegals! World Almanac 2007. There are now over 20 million illegal aliens in your country, soaking up your: FREE schools, lunches, welfare, Medicaid, and now the stolen remnants of your Social Security funds (said to be "broke"), and to be sent to Mexican illegals when they return to Mexico. What a government we do have.
Can you imagine your Senate and Congress and President going along with these senate and representative bills? What ever happened to serving our citizens. What ever happened to patriotism?

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